Ecotricity are at Vegan Life Live
We’re Ecotricity, Britain’s greenest energy supplier. We’re also the world’s first (and still the only) vegan-certified energy supplier – there are no hidden ingredients in our fuel mix.
It’s hard to imagine using animals to generate energy, but it happens. Whether it’s manure, slurry or even – in extreme cases – body parts, animals are being used to generate gas. Animals are exploited to produce a small proportion of the UK’s energy, but it gets into the mix for a much larger proportion of homes. Several of the big energy suppliers and other so-called green energy companies have animal waste in their fuel mix too.
We’re proud to be different – but, really, animals shouldn’t be involved in energy generation anywhere. Even if energy companies are ‘only’ using by-products, and their energy is green theoretically because it’s not derived from fossil fuels, it’s not vegan and it’s not right. These companies are relying on the animal farming industry continuing so they can use the waste products.
It’s not just bad for the animals, but for the planet too. Agriculture and deforestation are responsible for a quarter of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions - animal farming is responsible for 60% of those produced by agriculture.
We’re thrilled to be exhibiting at Vegan Life Live 2024 outside the lecture stand – come and say hi and learn more about our vegan energy.
We’re also sponsoring the lecture area, so we’ll be bringing some exciting talks with special guests – watch this space!
The Ecotricity Lecture Area
Energy, food, transport and nature. Friday 18th October, 2.45pm - 3.30pm
Did you know 80% of your carbon footprint can be made greener if you focussed on three key areas? The climate emergency needs to be tackled across these crucial areas of the economy that generate the most carbon emissions: energy, transport and food. But to create a truly green Britain, we also need to take action on nature and wildlife, which is under threat both from the climate crisis and the way we build on and use our green spaces. It feels like a big task, but Ecotricity can help you understand simple ways for you to make the biggest impact.
Hidden ingredients… How far do we look? – Ecotricity and special guests. Saturday 19th October, 11.45am - 12.45pm
As vegans, we’re used to checking the labels on food to ensure there are no nasty hidden ingredients… But do you make a habit to do this elsewhere in your life? What about your clothes purchases, food, cosmetics and furniture? Have you considered the supply chain? What is your money really funding? Ecotricity explored this exact question 5 years ago and set themselves on a mission to ensure there were no nasty hidden ingredients in their energy mix. Join what is sure to be a lively conversation featuring some very special guests!
Vegan energy: mind, body and home. Sunday 20th October, 10.45am - 11.30am
Join Ecotricity and special guests to discuss the varied ways in which we can harness vegan energy and generate power in our mind, body and home, to make the biggest impact for our planet.
Also featuring at The OM Yoga Show:
Free Open Class: Intro to Acroyoga with Olga and Pav. Sunday 20th October, 1.15pm - 1.45pm
Get ready to fly! In this Intro to Acroyoga session we’ll explore playful poses and build trust with partners. We’ll learn safe techniques for basing and flying, all with a focus on fun and connection. No experience or partner necessary, just bring your sense of adventure.
To find out more about Ecotricity/switch to Ecotricity please visit: or telephone: 0808 123 0123.
Vegan Life Live
18th, 19th & 20th October 2024
Alexandra Palace, London, N22 7AY
Opening Times
Friday 11am - 6pm | Saturday 10am - 6pm | Sunday 10am - 5pm
Admission Costs
One Day - £10 | Two Day - £16 | Three Day - £23
Children under 16 - Free
Tickets are available at
Tickets include FREE entry to OM Yoga Show & Mind Body Soul Experience. All taking place at Alexandra Palace over the same weekend.
Further Information
For further information and images or to arrange an interview, please contact Victoria Willmott on 01787 224040 |